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Friday, November 4, 2011

Hoe een goede afstandsmeter kan Improve Your Game Of Golf

Golf rangefinder is geworden in de afgelopen tijd een belangrijk deel van het spel van golf. Golf afstandmeters zijn in de afgelopen tijd uitgegroeid tot een belangrijk onderdeel van het spel van golf. U helpen met uw club selectie en kan je vertellen veel over hoe ver je kunt de bal met elk een van uw eigen clubs.

Een golf rangefinder is ook beter betaalbaar worden, zodat de gemiddelde golfer kan nu een beetje minder uitgeven aan golfclubsand add a rangefinder to the golf bag instead.

In this article I am going to tell you how a rangefinder can help you lower your score. The fact is that few other golf accessories will have such a big impact on you improving your game.

Hoe een goede afstandsmeter kan Improve Your Game Of Golf

How can a golf rangefinder lower your score?

First let me tell you what a golf rangefinder is and how it works.

A Golf rangefinder is a small device that will fit in your hand and will tell you the distance between you and another object. A rangefinder can either be a GPS-measuring unit measuring distance through satellite, a laser based rangefinder which uses objects to bounce a laser of to get an accurate measure of the distance to that object, or a telescope which uses a "line" to measure the distance to an object.

This might not sound like something that will or can improve your game but the truth is that it is a very powerful thing once you learn how the rangefinder to your advantage.

Find the hazard or the flag

When you know the distance from you to either a hazard or the green it will help you immensely with you club selection.

How do you think professional golfers pick their clubs when they are competing? How do you think they choose their golf clubs with such accuracy as they hit a perfectly weighted ball straight on to the green? It is because they know exactly how far they are going to hit the ball with each of their clubs. They also know the golf course they are playing and how far it is from them to the next hazard (water, bunker, tree) or the green and make a club selection accordingly.

A rangefinder will tell you exactly how far you will have to hit the ball to get over the bunker, the tree, the water, or the green. The rangefinder will tell you how far you hit the ball and with time you will learn like a professional golfer what club to use under a particular set of circumstances. If you decide to add a rangefinder to your golf equipment I can promise you that will not be something you are going to regret - if your truly serious about improving your game.

You will use it on most holes and you will most likely become addicted to your rangefinder, it will be like having your own - cheap version - of your personal caddy.

Increase your confidence

A good rangefinder will make you play the game with more confidence and at a higher pace. As you line up to take your next shot you will find out the distance to the next bunker in a matter of seconds. It will also give you an accurate measure between you and the flag giving you a great advantage when you choose your clubs.

best golf laser rangefinder

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