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- New Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefin...
- Golf Recensioni telemetro laser - Come scegliere i...
- Top 5 Rated Laser Entfernungsmesser fĆ¼r Golf
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Save big Bushnell Yardage Pro Laser Rangefinders Elite 1500
- Premium laser rangefinder with powerful 7x magnification monocular
- Ranges up to 1,500 yards; accurate to within +/- 1 yard
- 340-foot field of view at 1,000 yards; 100-percent waterproof body
- 19mm eye relief; internal low-light LED for nighttime use
- Measures 5.1 x 3.7 x 1.7 inches (W x H x D); weighs 10 ounces

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 29, 2011 07:10:09 Check Update
See Also : Best Bulova Watches BestSellers Samsung Television 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
On Sale Simmons Lrf600 Laser Rangefinder
- 10-600 yards/meters performance; +/- 1 yard accuracy
- Powerful optical 4x magnification; in-view liquid crystal display
- Simple one-button operation
- A-TACS camouflage coating provides enhanced concealment using a greater range of intermingled natural colors
- Requires 1 nine-volt battery (not included); includes carrying case
- 10-600 yards/meters performance
- In-view liquid crystal display
- Includes carry case
- Powerful optical 4x magnification
- Simple one button operation

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 27, 2011 12:20:06 Check Update
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Golf GPS o telemetro laser - qual ĆØ il migliore per voi?
In questo articolo ci sarĆ esplorare i pro ei contro del golf unitĆ GPS rispetto ad un telemetro laser utilizzato nel golf. Anche se entrambe le unitĆ sono state progettate per dare golfisti letture yardage piĆ¹ accurata, ĆØ essenziale sapere che funzionano in modo diverso gli uni dagli altri, e non hanno le stesse debolezze e punti di forza.
Come funziona un telemetro
Ci sono differenze importanti tra una base GPS e telemetro. Si tratta di una visualedispositivo, ed ĆØ da qualche parte tra il binocolo e il tipo di dispositivo laser ufficiali traffico pattuglia occupano di trovare i driver di accelerazione in autostrada. Il sistema ottico, proprio come un telescopio, consente di agganciare un bersaglio che si vuole misurare la distanza di (ad esempio uno stagno dietro il verde). Il telemetro laser da golf sarĆ girato un 'pericoloso per gli occhi' presso l'area target prescelto, ed ĆØ in grado di misurare il tempo che impiega il laser a rimbalzofuori il bersaglio e ritornare al telemetro. Il telemetro sarĆ accuratamente calcolare il yardage per l'area di destinazione in base al tempo di ritardo.
Golf GPS o telemetro laser - qual ĆØ il migliore per voi?Essentials dell'UnitĆ Golf GPS
Fondamentalmente, unitĆ GPS per il golf sono basate su mappe satellitari tratte da orbita. Il sistema GPS individuare una posizione ben precisa parlando con i satelliti che girano sopra il nostro pianeta al fine di capire esattamente dove ĆØ in relazione alla zona di destinazione; questo puĆ² essere il verde o qualche ostacolo del foro desiderato, o l'asta della bandiera che si desidera raggiungere.
GPS per Pro Golf
Per prima cosa, non c'ĆØ bisogno di puntare in qualsiasi punto per ottenere la vostra lettura yardage. Il GPS puĆ² lavorare a misurare metraggi per gli oggetti che non sono in vista, come il green sopraelevati o luoghi non si puĆ² vedere a causa di una ostruzione. Si potrebbe non avere fiducia nella precisione con un telemetro laser, rendendo l'unitĆ GPS una scelta migliore ad un> Range finder, in quanto sarete in grado di vedere la vista a volo d'uccello.
I vantaggi di utilizzare Telemetri Laser a Golf
Sarete in grado di ingrandire fino a 7x piĆ¹ stretto con gli ultimi modelli. Se si vuole la lettura piĆ¹ precisa per il vostro telemetro laser gamma, puĆ² essere utile zoomare in aree bersaglio lontane o una zona di atterraggio.
Un esempio potrebbe essere l'impossibilitĆ di localizzare una spina sul verde che dovrebbe, o potrebbe, essere evitata da 155 metri conad occhio nudo. Se si utilizza un telemetro un telemetro si potranno facilmente riconoscere e poi giocare in modo sicuro sul lato opposto del verde - che ĆØ la gioia di una molto piĆ¹ semplice putt. Un altro vantaggio da tenere a mente ĆØ il telemetro puĆ² essere utilizzato anche nel campo pratica quando si vuole capire fino a che punto si colpisce con ciascuno dei vostri ferri e metalli fairway.
Per riassumere, nĆ© il GPS nĆ© il telemetro ĆØ chiaramente migliore, sono diversie simili allo stesso tempo. Se hai il caso, sono uno di ciascuno, e sarete avere tutte le basi coperte! Se questo non ĆØ fattibile, prendendo in prestito uno o l'altro per determinare quale tipo di sistema funzionerĆ meglio per voi.
golf laser rangefinderRelated : Best Bulova Watches large floor cushions
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Antieke Golf Club Beoordeling
- 4x Optical magnification
- 5-600 yard capacity, accurate to +/- 1 yard
- Simple one-button operation
- Vertical configuration
- In-view Liquid Crystal Display

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 24, 2011 00:05:12 Check Update
Voor het kopen van antieke golfclubs, moet je in de gewoonte voor het beoordelen van het goed. Helaas zijn de meeste van ons op een bepaald moment had de ervaring van het geven van een club een eenvoudige eens over oogopslag en dan erachter te komen nadat we gekocht dat het niet kan zijn de antieke, dat we dachten dat het was.
Hier zijn een paar adviezen om u te helpen beoordelen vintage houten belazerd golfclubs. Het allerbelangrijkste is om te beginnen aan een kant van de club en zorgvuldig te werken langs de club,herziening van alle componenten, zodat u een antieke golfclub beoordeling, die is degelijk en betrouwbaar zijn. Zoals altijd, als u vragen hebt, zijn er een groot aantal experts beschikbaar die u kan helpen met vragen of problemen. Er zijn ook vele grote referentie-elementen die de beoordeling van een antieke golfclub veel gemakkelijker.
Hier in deze 3 delige serie op antieke golfclub evaluatie, kijken we naar de grip, het einde korrel van de as, en hout rot alsfactoren bij het bepalen van de authenticiteit en de waarde van een vintage golfclub.
Antieke Golf Club BeoordelingHet inspecteren van de grip
Slechts een zeer klein percentage van de antieke golf clubs hebben hun originele grip. Hoe ouder de club hoe meer kans er is regripped tijdens het gebruik. Grips op hickory clubs hebben de neiging om te komen in twee belangrijke soorten: softish suĆØde of harde leer. De grootste aanwijzing over de vraag of een grip origineel is om voor kleine kopspijkers (nagels) of gaten zoeken in de schacht van de vorige armaturen aan de onderkant,en in het bijzonder, de bovenkant van de grip. Vorige gaatjes aan de onderkant kan uiteraard worden gedekt door de nieuwere grip, maar het is zeer moeilijk om volledig te verhullen de gaten of punaises aan de top. Niet automatisch worden betrokken als u vermoedt dat de grip niet origineel is. Het feit dat een grip niet origineel is is meestal niet een factor bij het bepalen van de authenticiteit van een antieke golfclub. Wij gaan nu over tot een inspectie van de houten steel.
Het einde van de Grain Shaft
Wanneerhet bekijken van de uiteinde van de as hoofd op, met de club gezicht opgesteld als het slaan van een bal, de nerf van het hout moet in het algemeen lopen van links naar rechts en niet van boven naar beneden. Het graan van de hickory draait in deze richting maakt het ook minder waarschijnlijk voor de as op te splitsen als de club wordt gebruikt in het spel. Als het graan niet in een algemeen links naar rechts richting, het geeft duidelijk aan dat het niet gemonteerd door een ervaren vakman club, en een validatie (of niet) van zijn vintage karakter.
Het is niet ongewoon om hout schachten die rotte eindigt hebben op het uiteinde van de club te vinden. Het hout kan letterlijk worden uit elkaar te vallen of het kan gewoon erg zacht. Een zachte druk met een vinger op het puntje kan onthullen een onderliggende aandoening. Als de tip weg is valt dan kunt u overwegen het verwijderen van een paar centimeter uit, maar je zou moeten weten met hoeveel voor massief hout is bereikt. Vaak zal het u duidelijk zijn vanaf het allereerste begin, dat de club niet is, noch zal het ooit zijn,afgespeeld. Dat sluit niet uit dat je van het maken van het een waardevolle en aantrekkelijke display stuk. Als het hout is zeer zacht dan weinig liberale lagen vernis kan stabiliseren en maken het heel moeilijk en aantrekkelijk voor weergave.
Er zijn nog enkele stappen die betrokken zijn bij de beoordeling van een antieke golfclub die behandeld wordt in de daaropvolgende artikelen, waardoor iedereen precies wat je hebt vast te stellen.
Zodra u hebt bepaald wat je hebt, is de volgende stap het bepalen van wat het zou wordende moeite waard. Voor een meer gedetailleerde beschrijving van de antieke golfclub beoordelingsproces, en naar de volgende stap te zetten en nader bepalen wat je stuk de moeite waard is, kunt u de verscheidenheid aan middelen te ontdekken op onze site.
Antieke Golf Club Beoordeling
golf laser rangefinder Simmons Laser Rangefinder- 4x Optical magnification
- 5-600 yard capacity, accurate to +/- 1 yard
- Simple one-button operation
- Vertical configuration
- In-view Liquid Crystal Display

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 24, 2011 00:05:16 Check Update
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Best review on Callaway idTECH Rangefinder, Black/Silver
- 6X Magnification
- Fast, simple one-touch measurements
- Waterproof and Fogproof - filled with nitrogen gas, sealed with O-rings (except battery chamber)
- Superior Multi-coated Nikon optics

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 22, 2011 06:00:13 Check Update
Related : Cheap Pocket Watches ##Cheap Dive Watch Sale!
Monday, June 20, 2011
New Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder + Outfit - Bushnell ABUSSP450RFK1
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 20, 2011 11:30:10 Check Update
Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder + Outfit - Bushnell ABUSSP450RFK1 Feature
- Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.
- Satisfaction Ensured.
- Great Gift Idea.
Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder + Outfit - Bushnell ABUSSP450RFK1 Overview
The shot of a lifetime is a time for certainty. With the Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder you can be confident to the last yard. The Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder is affordable simple to use and features a slim weather-resistant design thats handy in every sense.Thanks To : BUY CHEP T-SHIRT ONLINE iHome Speakers Prices Best DELTA DP300L
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Golf Recensioni telemetro laser - Come scegliere il miglior telemetro laser Golf
Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Review
- 400 yard Halo laser range finder
- 6x magnification
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Precise to +/- 1 yard
- Waterproof
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Easy to read LCD Screen displays reticle, low battery icon, active ranging icon, numerical display, and unit of measure (yards or meters).
![]() Compact and lightweight, the Halo delivers range finding to the palm of your hand. |
- Power: 6X
- Eye Lens: 15.5-millimeter--anti-fog
- Object Lens: 24 millimeters
- View Angle: 7 degrees
- Precision: +/- 1 yard
- Scan Mode: Yes
- Power Saver: 20 seconds without pressing a button
- Weight: 8 ounces
- Size: 4.2 x 3 x 1.7 inches
- Water resistant
- Battery: CR2
What's in the Box?
Halo 400 Laser Rangefinder, carrying case, lanyard, product information guide, lens cloth
+Check Price Now!
Golf telemetri laser permettono all'utente di guardare attraverso un mirino per puntare ad un asta della bandiera o di altro obiettivo, premere un pulsante e ottenere informazioni sulla distanza di alta precisione al bersaglio. Alcuni dispositivi, anche regolare la distanza di lettura in base alla pendenza tra l'utente e il bersaglio, la temperatura o l'altitudine. Eppure, ci sono una serie di domande che circonda i dispositivi e il loro uso. vi offre queste informazioni su > Golf telemetri laser e come scegliere una.
Essi sono legali?
Con la sentenza della USGA nella decisione 14-3/0.5, telemetri laser che distanza unica misura (al contrario di altre condizioni come la pendenza della, terra di temperatura, l'altitudine o altro) possono ora essere consentito da una Regola Locale. La maggior parte dei corsi hanno adottato tale regola, ma se si trovano a competere in un torneo, si dovrebbe controllare per vedere se un laser> Telemetro (o per quella materia, un dispositivo GPS da golf) possono essere utilizzati. Si noti che il sistema USGA Handicap richiede ai giocatori di inviare i punteggi quando un dispositivo (che misura la distanza solo) ĆØ stato utilizzato, indipendentemente dal fatto o meno una Regola Locale ĆØ stato permesso che consente l'utilizzo del dispositivo (Regola 14-3 e la decisione 5 - 1f / 2 di "La USGA Handicap System" manuale).
Golf Recensioni telemetro laser - Come scegliere il miglior telemetro laser GolfI dispositivi che regolano per la pendenza (o temperatura o altitudine) non puĆ² essere utilizzato in un torneo o in tondo che siinviato al vostro handicap. Sono, tuttavia, i dispositivi pratica estremamente utile per imparare quanto la pendenza (in salita o downill) tra l'utente e il target influisce sulla distanza di una palla viaggerĆ .
Quali sono i vantaggi di Telemetri Laser Negli Golf dispositivi GPS?
Telemetri laser fornisce una serie distinta di vantaggi e svantaggi rispetto al golf dispositivi GPS. I pro ei controincludono:
A favore di Telemetri Laser
Metodo piĆ¹ preciso (+ / - 1 metro) PossibilitĆ di ottenere la distanza precisa al pin, fronti false o diversi livelli sul green Fornisce distanza di lettura in qualsiasi punto del foro (fornito una visuale libera ĆØ disponibile) Nessuna spesa aggiuntiva oltre il prezzo d'acquisto Alcune unitĆ la pendenza dal giocatore alla destinazione (non ĆØ consentito nei tornei)
Contro di Telemetri Laser
Hai bisogno di una chiaraline-of-sight per l'obiettivo di ottenere distanza - se hai un approccio cieco, siete fuori di fortuna Letture saranno influenzati da nebbia, pioggia (sprinkler compreso il corso) e le estreme condizioni di luce durante il giorno e al tramonto - qualsiasi fattore che degrada la chiarezza complessiva dell'aria Una mano ferma puĆ² essere richiesto di ottenere letture accurate
Come devo valutare un telemetro laser Golf?
Golf telemetri laser puĆ²fornire distanze estremamente preciso, e rapidamente diventato uno strumento prezioso per i loro utenti. Ma come si puĆ² scegliere tra diverse marche e modelli? valuta golf telemetri laser basato su 5 categorie:
Precisione: Il piĆ¹ preciso letture telemetro laser si ottengono quando mira oggetti altamente riflettenti con colori brillanti condizioni di illuminazione diurna moderata (giornate nuvolose sono i migliori). Grandi obiettivi, e quelli che creano di 90 gradi alla linea di vista, riceverĆ la migliore letture. Ma quasi tutti i telemetri laser fornito un livello di accuratezza estremamente preciso. Dove spesso alcune differenze nel modo in cui ĆØ facile per l'utente di "bloccare" a un obiettivo, qualcosa che ĆØ coperto in "FacilitĆ di ottenere Letture" di seguito. FacilitĆ d'uso: Quanto ĆØ facile individuare obiettivi, leggere i metraggi e la grafica sullo schermo, e navigare tra le diverse modalitĆ ? Caratteristiche:> Telemetri laser offrono la possibilitĆ di fornire line-of-sight distanza di obiettivi, ma variano nel modo in cui l'utente interagisce con il dispositivo per ottenere la distanza di lettura e le diverse modalitĆ per effettuare le letture (come la scansione di un corso o concentrandosi su un asta della bandiera). La maggior parte dei telemetri laser offrono una modalitĆ "pin-localizzazione". Quando tale modalitĆ ĆØ attivata, se il dispositivo rileva piĆ¹ oggetti quando il laser viene sparato, fornirĆ la distanza dellaoggetto piĆ¹ vicino. Di conseguenza, se l'utente si rivolge ad un asta della bandiera di fronte a un boschetto di alberi, un "pin-localizzazione" modalitĆ dovrebbe aiutare il dispositivo di ritorno la distanza per l'asta della bandiera, che ĆØ piĆ¹ vicina. Inoltre, telemetri laser, che forniscono informazioni pendenza sono molto variabili in termini di caratteristiche, che vanno dal minimo di fornire distanze regolata in base al grado di inclinazione / declino a piĆ¹ unitĆ avanzate che forniscono consigli su cosa club per colpire sulla base non solo dellapendenza / declino, ma nel factoring l'altitudine e la temperatura dell'aria. FacilitĆ di ottenere Letture: Alcuni dei modi in cui telemetri laser sono diversi: in che modo l'utente attiva il dispositivo di ricevere le letture a distanza (si premere e tenere una, premere il pulsante e rilascio, ecc), l'ingrandimento di il mirino (che ha ripercussioni quanto sia facile individuare un bersaglio a distanza), il peso e come il dispositivo ĆØ progettato per essere tenuto (con due mani o una mano). Tuttiquesti fattori possono avere un impatto come sia facile per l'utente di ottenere una lettura. Abbiamo provato ogni dispositivo a distanze diverse, e con bandiere colore diverso, per stabilire se alcune unitĆ si ĆØ distinto (sia buone che cattive). Costo / Valore: Prezzo da sola non ĆØ un indicatore del valore - fa il dispositivo fornisce una buona bang per il dollaro?
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 18, 2011 16:50:17 Check Update
Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Feature
- 400 yard Halo laser range finder
- 6x magnification
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Precise to +/- 1 yard
- Waterproof
Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Overview
Featuring scan mode and incredible accuracy, the HALO is built for long life in the field. The R400 Halo laser range finder uses Opti-Logic range finding technology. It is a Class I Laser Product that complies with US and international laser performance standards IEC 60825-1. It has a maximum of 400 yards to reflective target, 6x magnification, and scan mode. Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target. It is waterproof and precise to +/- 1 yard with a 1 year warranty. Includes a wrist lanyard, carrying case, lens cloth and product info guide. CR2 lithium ion battery not included.Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Specifications
Offered at a fun value, the Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder from Wildgame Innovations delivers exceptionally accurate and efficient range finding with a maximum reflective range of 400 yards at an affordable price. Featuring a scan mode that allows you to range multiple targets without reactivating the laser and an easy to read LCD screen, the Halo 400 offers everything you need to hit your target. Built for a long life of use in the field, the Halo 400 boasts a water resistant housing, an anti-fog lens, and has a 20-second power saver to conserve battery life. Equipped with 6X magnification with a 15.5-millimeter lens and a 24-millimeter objective lens with a 7-degree view angle, the Halo 400 fits in the palm of your hand for incredibly lightweight ease of use. Backed by a one year warranty from Wildgame Innovations, the Halo 400 is ready to deliver your next trophy.Features:
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Easy to read LCD Screen displays reticle, low battery icon, active ranging icon, numerical display, and unit of measure (yards or meters).
![]() Compact and lightweight, the Halo delivers range finding to the palm of your hand. |
- Power: 6X
- Eye Lens: 15.5-millimeter--anti-fog
- Object Lens: 24 millimeters
- View Angle: 7 degrees
- Precision: +/- 1 yard
- Scan Mode: Yes
- Power Saver: 20 seconds without pressing a button
- Weight: 8 ounces
- Size: 4.2 x 3 x 1.7 inches
- Water resistant
- Battery: CR2
What's in the Box?
Halo 400 Laser Rangefinder, carrying case, lanyard, product information guide, lens cloth
- Bushnell Laser Boresighter
- AR15 Carry Handle Adapter Weaver Mount 5½"
- Wheeler Scope Leveling Tool
- Deluxe Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster
- Rothco 550lb. Type III Paracord
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Top 5 Rated Laser Entfernungsmesser fĆ¼r Golf
*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 16, 2011 21:20:12 Check Update
Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Feature
- 400 yard Halo laser range finder
- 6x magnification
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Precise to +/- 1 yard
- Waterproof
Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Overview
HALO 400 YARD LASER RANGEFINDERWildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder Specifications
Offered at a fun value, the Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder from Wildgame Innovations delivers exceptionally accurate and efficient range finding with a maximum reflective range of 400 yards at an affordable price. Featuring a scan mode that allows you to range multiple targets without reactivating the laser and an easy to read LCD screen, the Halo 400 offers everything you need to hit your target. Built for a long life of use in the field, the Halo 400 boasts a water resistant housing, an anti-fog lens, and has a 20-second power saver to conserve battery life. Equipped with 6X magnification with a 15.5-millimeter lens and a 24-millimeter objective lens with a 7-degree view angle, the Halo 400 fits in the palm of your hand for incredibly lightweight ease of use. Backed by a one year warranty from Wildgame Innovations, the Halo 400 is ready to deliver your next trophy.Features:
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Easy to read LCD Screen displays reticle, low battery icon, active ranging icon, numerical display, and unit of measure (yards or meters).
![]() Compact and lightweight, the Halo delivers range finding to the palm of your hand. |
- Power: 6X
- Eye Lens: 15.5-millimeter--anti-fog
- Object Lens: 24 millimeters
- View Angle: 7 degrees
- Precision: +/- 1 yard
- Scan Mode: Yes
- Power Saver: 20 seconds without pressing a button
- Weight: 8 ounces
- Size: 4.2 x 3 x 1.7 inches
- Water resistant
- Battery: CR2
What's in the Box?
Halo 400 Laser Rangefinder, carrying case, lanyard, product information guide, lens cloth
- Bushnell Laser Boresighter
- AR15 Carry Handle Adapter Weaver Mount 5½"
- Wheeler Scope Leveling Tool
- Deluxe Universal Horizontal Shoulder Holster
- Stealth Cam Jim Shockey "Sniper Pro" 8.0 Mega Pixel Digital Camera
Golf-Entfernungsmesser sind entworfen, um Ihr Golfspiel durch eine sorgfƤltige Entfernung Lesungen, Objekte auf dem Golfplatz zu verbessern. Sie verwenden eine menschliche Auge ungefƤhrlichen Laser, um ein Objekt Ziel und messen Sie dann die Zeit, die der Laser abprallen das Objekt und zurĆ¼ck zum Entfernungsmesser.
Es gibt viele verschiedene Modelle mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften und QualitƤten auf dem Markt. In diesem Artikel werden wir Mini-BeitrƤge fĆ¼r die Top-5-Laser prƤsentieren> Entfernungsmesser.
Bushnell PinSeeker 1500 Tournament
Top 5 Rated Laser Entfernungsmesser fĆ¼r GolfEin Premium-Laser-Entfernungsmesser von einem der weltweit Top-optische GerƤtehersteller. Die 1500 Tournament Edition bietet Lesungen Bereich von 5 bis 1.500 Meter mit einer Genauigkeit von + oder - ein Hof.
Die Pinseeker 1500 verfĆ¼gt Ć¼ber einen 7-facher VergrƶĆerung monokular fĆ¼r das Betrachten Ihrer Zielgruppe. Dies ist eine der hƶchsten VergrƶĆerungen verfĆ¼gbar
Dieser Entfernungsmesser ist mit dem patentierten PinSeeker Bushnell Technologieermƶglicht eine einfache Ausrichtung der Flagge bei gleichzeitiger Vermeidung der Mƶglichkeit der Erfassung Hintergrund Ziele. Wenn mehr als ein Objekt ausgerichtet ist, je nƤher gelesen werden.
Dies ist ein wichtiges Merkmal, da immer eine genaue Sperre auf der Flaggenstock aus mehr Metragen ist eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben fĆ¼r einen Laser-Entfernungsmesser.
Bushnell PinSeeker 1500 Slope
Die PinSeeker 1500 Slope Edition ist genau das gleiche wie die 1500 Tournament Edition mit Ausnahme der hinzugefĆ¼gtenHang-FunktionalitƤt.
"Slope" kƶnnen Sie Strecken mit besonderen Ausgleich fĆ¼r bergauf oder bergab Ziele zu berechnen. Dies kann einen groĆen Unterschied machen in club Auswahl und mit einem Hang Auflage Laser-Entfernungsmesser ermƶglichen es Ihnen, in sehr viel genauer als eine normale Entfernungsmesser wƤhlen kƶnnen.
Stellen Sie jedoch sicher, dass Sie sich bewusst, dass jede punktet mit der PinSeeker 1500 Slope Edition Entfernungsmesser Schuss nicht fĆ¼r Handicap-Zwecke verwendet werden sollen, und es wird nichterlaubt in einem Turnier zu spielen.
Callaway Rangefinder LR1200
Diese Spitze des Marktes Entfernungsmesser wurde von zwei groĆen sportlichen Unternehmen konzipiert. Um zu gewƤhrleisten, eine genaue yardage GerƤt hat Callaway der optischen Technologie fĆ¼r diese Laser-Entfernungsmesser von Nikon lizenziert.
Die LR1200 AnsprĆ¼che hat, professionelle Turnier Caddies ins Visier genommen, und es das Flaggschiff der Callaway-Entfernungsmesser Modelle. Entfernungsmesser sind nicht fĆ¼r den Einsatz in erlaubt Profi-Turnieren, aber Caddies nutzen sie intensiv zu den Kursen, bevor Turniere Karte.
Neben dem ultra hochwertiger Optik von Nikon, das bemerkenswerteste Merkmal fĆ¼r die Callaway LR1200 geliefert wird:
First Target Priority Mode - zeigt die Entfernung zum nƤchsten Ziel von mehreren Ergebnissen mit einer einzigen Messung gewonnen. Dieser ist so konzipiert, um die Genauigkeit zu erhƶhen, wenn mit dem Ziel einer Nadel mit einem Hintergrund von BƤumen, etwas, das ein Problem sein kann fĆ¼r unverfƤlschte> Entfernungsmesser.
Callaway und Nikons LR1200 wurde entwickelt, um die besten Entfernungsmesser auf dem Markt, wĆ¼rdig der Rechnungsadresse als sein "Official-Entfernungsmesser der PGA of America."
Leupold GX-I-Entfernungsmesser Pinhunter
Ein Turnier und Behinderung rechtliche Golf-Entfernungsmesser von optischen GerƤt Firma Leupold. Nicht auĆergewƶhnlich, bietet es alle erwarteten Funktionen zu einem gĆ¼nstigen Preis.
2 top Features finden Sie in der GX-I sind:
Pinhunter -Technologie, um unter yardage Lesungen aus der Flagge, viel einfacher. Scan-Modus - gibt Metragen beliebiger Objekte im Sucher beim Scannen Ć¼ber den Kurs.
Angesichts feinen Namen Leupold und Erfahrungen erwarten die optische QualitƤt auf hohem Niveau. Pinhunter Technologie ist ein groĆartiges Feature fĆ¼r ein Einstiegs-Laser-Entfernungsmesser.
Leupold GX-II-Entfernungsmesser Pinhunter
Ein High-End-Entfernungsmesser fĆ¼r den ernsthaften Golfer ist die GX-II die erweiterte Version desGX-I-Entfernungsmesser von Leupold. Es hat viele innovative Funktionen, einschlieĆlich Hang Berechnungen genauen AbstƤnde auf bergauf oder bergab Lƶcher geben, leider sind diese Vorteile machen es legal nur fĆ¼r Trainingsrunden.
Premium-Funktionen zƤhlen:
Neigungssensor & True Golf Range (TGR) - Der Leupold GX (TM)-II kompensiert bergauf Aufnahmen, die lange und bergab SchĆ¼sse, kurzes TheaterstĆ¼ck zu spielen. Club Selector - Factoring Ihre spezifischen Schlagdistanz, automatischempfiehlt den passenden SchlƤger fĆ¼r jede Aufnahme Temperatur und Hƶhe - hat Einstellungen fĆ¼r Factoring temp und alt, um ein HƶchstmaĆ an Genauigkeit Ihrer Aufnahmen zu gewƤhrleisten. (Eingabe von Temperatur und alt ist manuell.)
Das Feature-Set ist beispiellos in einem Entfernungsmesser. Kein anderer Golfer Abstand GerƤt auf dem Markt bietet Temperatur-Kalibrierung und Pin-Auswahl.
Hinweis: Wie bei der Bushnell 1500 Slope Edition ist der Leupold GX-II nicht fĆ¼r den Einsatz in Runden, die fĆ¼r die vorgelegt werden rechtlicheBehinderung oder in einem Turnier zu spielen.
Dies sind die Top Laser-Entfernungsmesser auf dem Markt. Sie sind alle sehr hochwertige GerƤte und jede wƤre eine gute Hilfe fĆ¼r jeden Golfer sein. Beim Kauf eines Laser-Entfernungsmesser, nicht alle Turniere gesetzlichen oder rechtlichen fĆ¼r den Einsatz in Handicap Runden sind, so stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Kauf eines, das Ihren BedĆ¼rfnissen entspricht.
golf laser rangefinder Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder- 400 yard Halo laser range finder
- 6x magnification
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Precise to +/- 1 yard
- Waterproof

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 16, 2011 21:20:17 Check Update
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Compare on Bushnell Legend 1200 ARC Bow and Rifle Modes Laser Rangefinder, Black
- Laser rangefinder with distance range of 5 to 1,200 yards
- Custom Bow and Rifle modes help eliminate distance guesswork
- Angle Range Compensation (ARC) accounts for terrain angle when aiming
- Fully waterproof construction with RainGuard HD anti-fog technology
- Includes case, strap, and battery; measures 1.4 x 2.9 x 4.3 inches (W x H x D

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 15, 2011 02:55:08 Check Update
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Monday, June 13, 2011
On Sale on Callaway LR550 Women's Rangefinder, White
- 6X Monocular
- Waterproof - filled with nitrogen gas, sealed with O-rings (except battery chamber)
- Long Eye Relief and folding rubber eyecup for eyeglass-wearer easy viewing
- Focusing diopter by simple twisting action on eyepiece
- The LR500 Rangefinder provides quick and accurate distance measurement up to 550 yards (500 meters) and features First Target Priority Mode.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 13, 2011 08:20:06 Check Update
Saturday, June 11, 2011
New offer Wildgame Innovations Halo 400 Yard Laser Rangefinder
- 400 yard Halo laser range finder
- 6x magnification
- Scan Mode allows you to actively range multiple targets without having to reactivate the laser for each target.
- Precise to +/- 1 yard
- Waterproof

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 11, 2011 13:50:05 Check Update
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Three Main Golf Ball Designs
- Includes golf tools
- 5x magnification
- Compact design to fit in any pocket
- Simple to use
- Focus-free

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 09, 2011 17:50:07 Check Update
When it comes to buying golf balls, it's best to keep things simple. In this article you will learn about golf ball construction. This knowledge will help you make the best buying decision.
In general, there are three major ball types available on the market today. Keep reading to find out what they are designed to achieve and what type you should use to lower your total score.
- 2 Piece Golf Balls
Three Main Golf Ball DesignsAll the leading manufacturers produce this type of golf ball and it makes up a hefty portion of the market. The cover is usually a type of special plastic called ionomer. Inside is a large, solid rubber core.
The performance of the finished 2 piece ball can be altered in three ways: by changing the softness of the cover, the hardness and the size of the core.
This ball is usually used for distance. In the past, they had hard covers and cores. This resulted in lower spin and consequently more distance, for the most part through increased roll. Today, these balls are not as hard but they still provide good distance advantage as well as great cover resistance to cutting.
These lower side spinning balls have fast but soft cores. They are very good for golfers with slower swing speeds. Who else can benefit from them? Novice golfer and people with higher handicap.
- 3 Piece Golf Balls
This type of golf ball has been created about 15 years ago. There is a plastic or urethane cover. Under it, there is a thin layer of a plastic-like substance. A large, solid rubber core is in the center. You can also find a double or "dual core" designs.
Thanks to this design, the golf ball engineers can fine tune the finished ball performance. All they have to do is adjust the size, hardness, and thickness of the cover, layer and core. Most professional golfers and low handicap people use this ball these days.
- 3 Piece "Wound" Golf Balls
This ball was standard until the mid 1990's. It had a small solid or liquid filled center. It was surrounded by tightly wrapped rubber thread. This wound center was then enclosed in a cover of urethane, synthetic rubber or plastic.
This type of ball is much more expensive to produce than the other two types. Additionally, engineers have been able to improve on the performance of these balls with new materials used in the 2 piece and 3 piece designs.
golf laser rangefinder Bushnell 5x20 Golf Scope Rangefinder (Silver)- Includes golf tools
- 5x magnification
- Compact design to fit in any pocket
- Simple to use
- Focus-free

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 09, 2011 17:50:10 Check Update
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New on Bushnell Tour V2 Standard Edition Golf Laser Rangefinder
- Ultra-compact rangefinder for golfers with flag range up to 300 yards
- Pinseeker target mode acquires flag without inadvertently capturing background targets
- SCAN mode provides continuously updated LCD display as you pan across landscape
- 5x magnification, 24mm objective lens, powered by 9 volt battery
- Legal for use in tournament play

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 07, 2011 23:15:08 Check Update
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Sunday, June 5, 2011
Prijs van Indoor Golf Putting Mats
- Compact 7x magnification rangefinder with Angle Range Compensation (ARC) technology provides accurate "shoots-like" distance
- Black body, weather resistant, built-in inclinometer
- Rifle mode provides bullet-drop/ holdover data in inches from 100 to 800 yards
- Bow mode provides true horizontal distance from 5 to 99 yards
- Fully multi-coated optics, and built-in tripod mount

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 05, 2011 19:20:09 Check Update
Investeren in een goede kwaliteit indoor putting mat is waarschijnlijk een van de beste dingen die je kunt doen om de prestaties te verbeteren van uw golf! Er zijn tal van verschillende soorten van grote putting hulpmiddelen die er zijn, om u te helpen uw putting vaardigheden en technieken, maar de enige ware weg van het beheersen van de kunst van het zetten is om te blijven oefenen.
Zoals putting maakt tussen de 40-50% van uw totale spel, het is een vitaal gebied van het spel te beheersen. Het doorbrengen van een paaruur per week oefenen op een indoor putting mat gaat om het verschil te maken en zal de manier waarop de snelste voor u om handicaps te verminderen uw golf en lagere uw scores.
Voor iemand die nog nooit golf gespeeld of het is gewoon starten van het spel, waardoor kan vaardigheid lijkt een makkelijke en eenvoudig genoeg om te overmeesteren. Toch zal iedereen met een beetje golfen savvy of ervaring snel je vertellen dat het niet zo eenvoudig als het lijkt.
Prijs van Indoor Golf Putting MatsEr is veel teleren ...... het begrijpen van de fundamentele grondslagen zetten setup, hoe vast het recht zetten techniek en putting stijl die zich goed voelt en zal je meer zelfvertrouwen geven, hoe putting greens te lezen, hoe te zetten richting en afstand correct te beoordelen, (net een paar te noemen).
Een hel van een veel oefening nodig is om te worden overal dicht bij het beheersen van deze fijne kunst van het putten. Dus investeren in een kwalitatieve indoor putting mat die u kunt gebruiken om uw putting perfecte binnen decomfort van uw eigen huis, of zelfs op het werk gaat om u de voorsprong op uw concurrenten.
Indoor golf putting matten komen in alle vormen en maten en kunnen in prijs sterk variƫren, dus te kiezen die het budget past uw en past in uw woonkamer is een andere belangrijke factor om te overwegen.
golf laser rangefinder Bushnell Scout 1000 ARC Laser Range Finder- Compact 7x magnification rangefinder with Angle Range Compensation (ARC) technology provides accurate "shoots-like" distance
- Black body, weather resistant, built-in inclinometer
- Rifle mode provides bullet-drop/ holdover data in inches from 100 to 800 yards
- Bow mode provides true horizontal distance from 5 to 99 yards
- Fully multi-coated optics, and built-in tripod mount

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Jun 05, 2011 19:20:13 Check Update
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Friday, June 3, 2011
Ranger Finders - Understanding Their Uses
Distance measuring is a part of history and has been useful in many applications for years. The use of the technological advances in the field can make your hunting adventure a successful one. Understanding the basics of a range finder will assist you in using these devices to your advantage in the field. Today's range finders are the most accurate way to measure distance.
How a range finder works is by bouncing a laser beam off your target and then counting the time it takes for the light to return to the device giving you an exact measurement. Most use pulses of laser light which allow it to identify the invisible beam when it is reflected.
There are many factors that can affect the distance of the range finder although most are extremely accurate. Environmental conditions such as heat and moisture can affect the distance readable. The size and shape of the object along with its brightness can also have an effect. The more shiny or brighter the object, the longer the distance that can be obtained. The angle of your target can also challenging. For example, if you are hunting your targeted animal in steep terrain, you will have limited ranging. Lighting conditions will also have an effect, but probably differently than you would expect. You will actually get a more maximum range in overcast skies where less light is available.
Ranger Finders - Understanding Their UsesA great way to utilize your range finder for hunting is to frequently estimate ranges to various landmark targets as you are scouting for the animals. It is helpful to pre-measure in spots where you might expect game to appear, so when that trophy buck does step out, you will be prepared and can concentrate on your shot.
A range finder is a much needed accessory for a successful hunt allowing you to get an exact measurement of your target area, taking the guesswork out of where to aim. You will enjoy sharing your many success stories with your friends, and don't forget to thank your range finder for assisting you!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Low Price on Bushnell Clip and Go Universal Golf Cart Mount for Laser Rangefinders
Bushnell Clip and Go Universal Golf Cart Mount for Laser Rangefinders Feature
- Fits all carts
- Adapts to all Bushnell rangefinders
- Locking inset secures device
- Also attaches to bag
- Easy to use
Bushnell Clip and Go Universal Golf Cart Mount for Laser Rangefinders Overview
Universal mount that fits all cart manufacturers. Adapts to all Bushnell laser rangefinders. Clamp mount attaches to any size golf cart pillar. Positive locking inset to secure device. Clamp mount also attaches to bag.- Bushnell Hybrid Pinseeker Laser Rangefinder and GPS Unit
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- Bushnell Pro 1600 Golf Laser Rangefinder
- Bushnell Tour V2 Golf Laser Rangefinder
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